Logan Harris


”I grew up wanting to be the life of the party so I set my eyes on becoming just that. Slowly the partying, the drinking and drug using became a constant 24 hr job that only paid in misery and isolation. After countless court dates, jail sentences and hurt I attended my first rehab. I learned that God could save me from this life of sin but no matter how bad I wanted to change I couldn’t resist returning to the booze and drugs. I went through a vicious cycle of rehab stay after rehab stay building up hope that after rehab my life would be different. Alcohol crippled my body and I started appearing in hospitals for pancreatic problems. I was told if I don’t stop drinking I’d have major issues and eventually die a young death. I switched to a much harder drug of choice at that time since alcohol was hurting me so much and then life got even worse. My mental health was deteriorating fast and I felt depression more than ever. I prayed out to God to save me and I’ll never return to this hell I created for myself. I was taken to a rehab in Charleston where I was introduced to AA and God at the same time. I was shown how others had gained freedom through this program and that in turn they found a God of their own understanding. Life was finally looking up but little did I know at that time I still had some reservations in my life.

After getting sober I wanted to jump into relationships and thought one day I might could drink alittle bit like a normal person or use soft core drugs like marijuana. After trying that method it was only a matter of time before I went right back to my drug of choice and hell came right back to my door step. I did things I never thought I would to set up my addiction lifestyle and continue using. It was hard to keep up this life when I knew about recovery and knew there was true freedom in life. I decided in detox that I had to try again in recovery because I didn’t want to die. This time I wanted to live a little more than I wanted to die. I came to Bridge to Recovery in Monroe, NC. I got honest and sought out help like I never have before. That’s where my path crossed with Josh Bone and Anchor of Hope. I saw how happy He was and wanted whatever he had and made the decision to follow in the steps He had to get that happiness. Anchor of Hope Sober Living has shown me how to live a life in recovery and enjoy every moment doing so. I’ve gained brothers that are more like family than my own family and we all help one another whenever we can. I was taught I don’t have to do this alone and that AA and recovery is a “We” Effort! I’m forever grateful for my opportunity in Anchor of Hope and God knew I needed it to build up a family I have always wanted and to get closer with Him.”
-Logan Harris-

Sober since December 29th, 2020


Katie Pfeil


Joe Stallings